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ICO - Online Spanish Language
Tertulias, Online Conversation classes


In Spanish, Tertulia refers to a gathering of people for a social or cultural event who meet regularly to talk about and discuss a specific topic or activity, such as literature, poetry, politics, or art. Tertulias can be informal or formal and often occur in a café, bar, or public space. The participants of a tertulia may engage in lively discussion, debate, or intellectual exchange.


During the pandemic, the Spanish language teachers of the Instituto Cultural Oaxaca designed tertulias around different topics so that students with similar interests could join a conversation to practice Spanish, focusing on a specific topic.

More than 200 hundred topics have been discussed and analyzed for over three years. Among them are Oaxacan painters, Oaxacan food, the life and work of Frida Kahlo, Mexican Muralists of the XX century, The cats from Chimalapas, discovering the human body, Mezcalez de Oaxaca, Floral trees of Oaxaca, and literary series from Octavio Paz to Guadalupe Nettel.


Each course includes four or five one-hour-long tertulias. Before each tertulia, the professor will send you the materials so you can prepare for each topic.  

Join the conversation.



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